The rise of eco anxietyThis episode takes a look at the emergence of eco anxiety, framed by many as the human capacity for compassion.
Experiencing fear for the futureThis episode explores our typical desire to run from fear and struggle to sit with it offering a remedy, "naming the fear".
Isolation and lonelinessThis video exlpores the common experience of loneliness amidst the struggle to find places to share in our struggle.
What can i do?A common question to emerge at some point for everyone is "what can i do about it"? This video considers the importance of knowing values in considering action
A polarised conversationThis topic invariably leads to difficult and confronting conversations. This video explores how to find middle grounds and deal with conflict.
How do i avoid an argument with my climate change denying uncle at easer?This podcast was a really fun chat with Jess and Steph from "Hey Twoobs", a sustainable fashion brand. Listen here |
Far East Victoria Landcare ProgramI am currently working on a year long program with Far East Victoria Landcare to make space for experiences of loss, grief, hopelessness etc. that we can all experience when thinking about our future and climate change. Watch this space.
To discuss a workshop for your organisation send me an email |
Postgraduate Environment Network PodcastA chat with Lotus Hackenberger, from the Post graduate environemtnal network. A great resource for Masters of Environment students.
Listen here |